Our Story

Stefano's restaurant has been family owned and operated in Bethlehem for over 25 years. From its humble beginnings on 2nd avenue as Stefano's Pizzeria, to its current location on Linden Street, the goal has always been to offer the best product possible at a great price. There is a special feeling when dining in a family owned and operated restaurant. We care, and we hope it shows.

In 1973 a young man only seventeen years old and only knowing a few words of English landed on an airstrip at JFK international airport. That young was Stefano Lombardo, proud owner and operator of Stefano's Restaurants. That day Stefano walked off that plane and onto the soil of his new home, AMERICA. As a young boy Stefano worked every day with his father Domenico Lombardo, a lemon tree farmer in the small of city of Carini, Sicily (outside Palermo). With big dreams in his head, wonderful excitement in his heart and only a few dollars in his pocket Stefano called his parents in Sicily and told them he was never coming back.

A few days later Stefano, with the help of a distant cousin in Brooklyn found a job as a pizza man in a local N.Y. pizzeria. There his knowledge grew along with his skill and desire to cook and share his cooking with others. After years of working for many different bosses in many different places Stefano had the skill of a professional and the burning desire in his heart to succeed at accomplishing every single one of his dreams. Saving every single Penney he earned after a few years he finally had enough to open his own pizza shop West Bethlehem Pennsylvania.

Our Promise

"we extend you a gracious invitation to come and join our fine cusine"

Some of you may remember Stefano's Pizza Shop humble beginnings on 2nd avenue in west Bethlehem with the beautiful blonde behind the counter and the baby's play pen in the center of the pizza shop. A few years into the 2nd avenue pizza shop Stefano finally saved enough "dough" to open his own restaurant. Today you know that restaurant as Stefano's on Linden St. in Bethlehem and we proudly celebrated our 25th anniversary in September of 2009. So if you have never joined our family for lunch or dinner then we extend you a gracious invitation to come and enjoy our fine cuisine and join our family at the table.

Stefano's Restaurant
610-866-8886 | 610-867-7775 | FAX:610-866-6081
2970 Linden St. Bethlehem, PA 18017